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This version of rants by me is about the WCW ppv Bash at the Beach. It was ok, it wasn't bad but I have seen better. I will talk about the good things I think that happened Kronic won the belts (finally) and Sting came back. Now to start off with the bad parts, one word, Hogan, I think Hogan is the biggest piece of trash becuase he refused to wrestle his last match unless he won the match the way he wanted to. So what did he do, he made Jarett lay down in the middle of the ring and pinned him. So any of you Hogan fans out there still like him, all I have to say is he is the biggest scum on the face of the earth. Not only did he turn his back on all of WCW but he turned his back on all wrestling fans around the world. On to the Goldberg/Nash match which was pretty good except that Scott Stiener turned heel causing Nash to loose the match. Therefore that means no more Scott Hall, but if I know the Outsiders as well as I do, I think they have something up their sleeve for tomorrow night on Nitro. So thats it for my rants on the PPV