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Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this
time, weighing in at 285 pounds, from Tulsa, OK, Goldberg!!! (crowd boos *****)
[Goldberg comes to the ring. ]
Howard Finkle - and his opponent, weighing in at 252 pounds, from Victoria, Texas,
Stone Cold Steve Austin!!! (crowd cheers ***)
[The Glass Shatters as the crowd errupts chearing while Stone Cold walks into the ring
Goldberg drops Stone Cold Steve Austin with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. If you think
I should whoop Goldberg's ass, give me a HELL YEAH! (ring, ring, ring) Goldberg forearm
smashes Stone Cold Steve Austin. Goldberg bounces Stone Cold Steve Austin off the ropes
and clotheslines him. Goldberg clotheslines Stone Cold Steve Austin. ]
Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a weak move.
[Goldberg punches Stone Cold Steve Austin in the head. Goldberg punches Stone Cold Steve
Austin in the head. Goldberg drives a forearm into the head of Stone Cold Steve Austin. ]
Michael Cole - Stone Cold Steve Austin had better mount some sort of offense or
else he is done for.
[Stone Cold Steve Austin trys for a Spine Buster but Goldberg avoids it. Stone Cold Steve
Austin slaps the face of Goldberg. Stone Cold Steve Austin is back on his feet. Goldberg
bounces Stone Cold Steve Austin off the ropes and clotheslines him. Stone Cold Steve
Austin gets back to his feet. Stone Cold Steve Austin kicks Goldberg in the stomach.
Goldberg is up again. Stone Cold Steve Austin drives a forearm into the head of Goldberg.
Stone Cold Steve Austin is speared by Goldberg. Goldberg hooks Stone Cold Steve Austin in
an armlock leglock submission. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ...
(AHHHH!) ... Goldberg breaks the hold. Goldberg piledrives Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Goldberg chants start. ]
Jim Ross - Goldberg is doing quite well at this point in the match.
[Stone Cold Steve Austin body slams Goldberg. ]
Michael Cole - This is quality sports entertainment!
[Stone Cold Steve Austin piledrives Goldberg into the mat. Stone Cold Steve Austin dives
head first into Goldberg. Stone Cold Steve Austin gets up. Stone Cold Steve Austin goes
for a figure four. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Stone Cold Steve Austin
tightens the hold. ... ... Goldberg escapes. ]
Jim Ross - Stone Cold Steve Austin is impressing me here! He is severely beating
Goldberg to a bloody pulp!
[Stone Cold Steve Austin drags Goldberg to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1)
(..2) Stone Cold Steve Austin grabs Goldberg and applies an arm wrench. (...3) Goldberg
uses a closed fist on Stone Cold Steve Austin. ]
Howard Finkle - Goldberg with a punch.
[(....4) Stone Cold Steve Austin connects with a flying knee. Goldberg goes down. Goldberg
gets up. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Goldberg and Stone Cold Steve Austin move
back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Goldberg and Stone Cold Steve Austin move
back to ringside. Goldberg takes Stone Cold Steve Austin into the ring. Goldberg bounces
Stone Cold Steve Austin off the ropes and clotheslines him. Stone Cold Steve Austin
tackles Goldberg. Stone Cold Steve Austin applies an arm wrench to Goldberg. Stone Cold
Steve Austin piledrives Goldberg head first into the mat. Stone Cold Steve Austin covers
Goldberg. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Goldberg kicks out. ]
Michael Cole - Stone Cold Steve Austin was so close!!
[Goldberg moves back to his feet. ]
Howard Finkle - This is how wrestling should be!
[Stone Cold Steve Austin delivers a short-arm clothesline to Goldberg. Stone Cold Steve
Austin chants start. Goldberg moves back to his feet. Goldberg takes a slap to the face
from Stone Cold Steve Austin. Now Stone Cold Steve Austin standing. Stone Cold Steve
Austin kicks Goldberg in the back of the leg. Goldberg gets back to his feet. Stone Cold
Steve Austin side slams Goldberg. Stone Cold Steve Austin gets up. Goldberg gets back to
his feet. Stone Cold Steve Austin powerbombs Goldberg into the mat. Stone Cold Steve
Austin covers Goldberg hooking the leg. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]
Jerry "The King" Lawler - We've got ourselves a winner!
Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, Stone Cold Steve Austin!!!