New World
Heavyweight Championship Results: Jeff Jarrett is i control. He throws Booker in the ropes and hits the Harlem Sidekick. The match goes to the outside and into the fans. The match comes back to ringside and Jarrett throws Booker into the announcers table and piledrivers him on it. Jarrett throws Booker in the ring. Jarrett puts Booker in a sleeper to slow the pace of the match down. Booker gets out of the sleepr and then reverses it and Jarrett picks up Booker and suplexes him on his knee. Jarrett went for the figure four but Booker reverses it into a pin, and then Jarrett gets up and then locks in the figure 4. Booker T reverses the figure four and Jarrett grabs the ropes. Jarrett then continues to work on Booker's legs. Booker regains control and goes for a spinebuster, a pin but Jarrett kicks out. Booker goes for a kick but misses and gets caught in the ropes. Booker then gets knocked into the ref and then Jarrett grabs the belt. Booker hits Jarrett and then hits him with the belt. Booker goes for the pin, but a 2 count. Low blow by Jarrett and then he grabs a chair and plants it but gets hit by it. Booker goes for the pin but Jarrett kicks out. He strokes the ref. Jarrett goes for the guitar and tries to hit booker but Booker hits the Book End and gets the win! BOOKER T IS THE NEW CHAMPION! Winner: Booker T World
Heavyweight Championship Results: Jeff's music plays for about a minute but he doesn't come out. Then, Vince Russo comes in the ring. After he gets in the ring, Jarrett comes down. As Hogan comes out, Jarrett gets out of the ring and stays on the outside. Vince Russo is at ringside. Jarrett slowly gets in the ring. Jarrett gets in the ring and LIES DOWN! Russo drops the belt in the ring and leaves. Hogan seems shocked and do the announcers. Hogan gets on the mic and says that the company is this way because of the BS like this. He pins Jarrett and Jarrett leaves with a straight face. Winner: Hulk Hogan Kevin
Nash vs. Goldberg
Results: Goldberg comes in and drops the contract on the announcer's table. Nash then goes to check it out. Nash had the boot in Goldberg's face in the corner, but Goldberg takes him down. All of the sudden, Stiener comes out with Midajah and is cheering Nash on. Goldberg tries to spear Nash, but Nash gets out of the way. Nash is about to powerbomb Goldberg but Stiener attacks him. Goldberg then spears Nash and jackhammers him for the win. After the match, Stiener puts Nash in the recliner as Goldberg talks trash at Nash. Winner: Goldberg Buff Bagwell vs. "The Franchise" Shane Douglas
Results: Match starts out quick with Buff on top. Match now goes to the outside and Shane Douglas pounds on Buff. He throws Buff in the ring and does his patented neck breaker. Torrie Wilson comes out and gets on the apron and slaps Douglas. After, Buff takes care of Shane Douglas. Shane is being attended to by the ref when Torrie comes in and kisses Buff then low blows him. After a bit of fighting, Doulgas hits the jaw breaker for the win. Afterwards, Torrie comes in and kisses Douglas. Winner: Shane Douglas Tag Team
Title Match
Results: The match begins with Adams and Pulumbo. Adams throws Pulumbo on the outside and then grabs Stasiak, gorilla press slams him onto Pulumbo on the floor. Perfect Event are about to leave but then change their minds. Stasiak and Clark are in the ring and Clark dominates and gets a rock bottom on Stasiak. Adams is tagged in along with Pulumbo. Adams grabs him and does the "Phattie Boom Battie" a full nelson slam. After some double teaming, Perfect Event mananges to gain control and slow the pace down. The audience was realy into the match cheering for Kronic. After a sleeper hold by Stasiak, Brain Adams gets out of it and then they both collide heads. Clark gets taggen in and cleans house. He goes for a pump handle slam, but Pulumbo reverses it into a DDT. Perfect Event regain control again. Kronic manage to take the advantage back and high times on both members of Perfect Event. Stasiak comes in with the lex flexer but that didnt work. Adams picks up Stasiak into a powerbomb position and Clark clotheslines him off the top rope for the win! Winner: Kronic
States Championship Match
Results: The match starts on the outside and in the fans. Awesome in control. Stiener was about to go for the Stiener recliner but the Cat comes out and Stiener knocks him down. Awesome then goes for the low blow and then the splash off the top rope but Stiener kicks out. Awesome gets thrown into the ref and the Cat comes in and tries to kick Stiener but gets Awesome. Stiener throws Cat out of the ring. Stiener was about to go for the Stiener Recliner but Cat says if he does he will get stripped of the title. Stiener does it anyway and Cat rings the bell and takes the belt from Midajah and runs off. Winner: Mike Awesome Wedding Gown
Results: There is a wedding cake at ringside. Hancock and Flair (who is dressed in a suit) start making out. What a match! David Flair tried to interfere in the match. As the ladies tried to go at it, the ref and Flair tried to break them up and got their pants taken off. David and Hancock were about to cut Daffney's hair when Crowbar came out and attacked David. He then took his pants off to fit in. He and Daffney were about to shave David;'s hair when Miss Hancock starts dancing and takes off her wedding gown. Daffney wins. Afterwards, they all start throwing cake at each other. Winner: Daffney Hardcore
Title Match
Results: Vito comes out and challenges anybody. Out come Smiley and Ralphus. At the start, Vito had control. However, after a few minutes, Ralphus and Norman double teamed on Vito. Ralphus kept hitting Vito with a trash can lid, and after a few hits, Vito punched the lid into Ralphus. The fight is backstage, and Norman and Vito fight in the elevator and Vito knocks Smiley down and leaves the elevator and the doors close with Smiley in it. Ralphus ran to the ring and Vito goes after him and attacks him. He lays him on the table and goes to the top rope and delivers a splash for the victory. Winner: Big Vito "Positively" Kanyon vs. Booker T
Results: Large chant of Booker T to start the match. Booker beats on Kanyon and throws him to the outside. He then opens Kanyon's book only to find a brick in it. He throws the brick away and puts the book back and goes back to work on Kanyon. Kanyon regains control. He tries to hit Booker with the book and does. He goes for the pin but Booker kicks out. Kanyon realizes there is nothing there. Booker then scissor kicks and book ends Kanyon. He then goes on the top rope and Jeff Jarrett comes in and hits Booker with a guitar. Kanyon hits the diamond cutter off the top rope and wins the match. Winner: Kanyon Graveyard
Results: Very bad lighting. Hard to see some most it. Vampiro throws Demon in the graveyard and takes Asya out of the graveyard. Demon runs after him and finds Asya near a swamp and Vampiro comes out of the swamp and attacks Demon. Vampiro again takes Asya and leaves Demon in the water. Demon gets up and starts running back into the graveyard where he finds Asya near the coffin and Vampiro is in it and attacks Demon. He takes a brick and smashes it over the Demon's head and asks if Demon wants to join him. Demon replies...NEVER! Demon gets hit with the brick and locked in the casket. Vampiro leaves...Vampiro comes in the ring and is declared the victor. All of the sudden a group of druids come in with a coffin. Vampiro opens the coffin and somebody in a Sting mask attacks Vampiro and puts him in the coffin. Winner: Vampiro Cruiserweight
Title Match
Results: The Filthy Animals and MIA are sent to the back. Great cruiserwieght action going on. Both men colliding on on the mat. Filthy Animals try to come out in the mask but the refs noticed them and kick them out. Juvy in control slowing down the pace. Juvy goes to the top rope but Loco gets up. Juvy then gets a running liger bomb off. Meanwhile, in the audience, MIA also in masks comes out and the refs try to send them out. Meanwhile, Major Gunns distractes Juvy and Loco goes for a tornado DDT. Then, they go back and forth until Loco finally gets the victory. Winner: Lieutenant Loco |